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Are You Ready for Your New Family?

Mikkie Mills
Starting a family of your own is the ultimate goal for many people. Whether you're thinking about adoption or ready to start trying to get pregnant, there's a lot to consider before you start your family. It's not a decision that anyone takes lightly, no matter how washer they are too get started.
Having a family can be overwhelming in a good way, but if you're not prepared, it might also be overwhelming in a bad way. Here are a few things to consider before you start your family.

Extra Costs

It may seem cold, but absolutely one of the first and biggest considerations to starting a family is the additional cost. Will you be able to afford all the consistent additional expenses? How much can you do to save money now? Can you put money aside for a college fund? Can you afford family health insurance and baby proofing and the extra mouth to feed?
It seems cruel to think in terms of money when you're talking about a child, but it's important to do the math and be pragmatic about the effects that having a child will have on your day to day life. You need to know the cost, and be prepared for it, as best you can, so you can focus on being the best parent you can be.

Less Time

You probably already know the stereotype of the exhausted new parent who hasn't gotten a full night's sleep in weeks, but you may not have fully processed that the demands on your time don't just come at night. A child takes time out of your life all day long, for the rest of your life.
More time spent with your child means less time spent on your work, on your hobbies, on your social obligations. You should be consciously aware of the fact that when the baby comes, your schedule will be very different. Be prepared to say no more often than you used to, so you can put your family first.

New Peer Group

While it's not unavoidable, it is very likely that you will lose touch with friends who don't have kids. The fact of the matter is that you will have different interests and different priorities from people who don't have children. In exchange, you'll very likely make many new friends who are parents.
While by no means absolute, this change is inevitable to a certain degree. Being a parent means that you have a new peer group, and that's okay! You'll make lots of new friends and build a new support group of people who are going through the same trials and joys that you are.

Make Sure You Have Support

The long and the short of it is this: things are going to change and you'll need help. Make sure that you have a support network of friends and family, people you trust to be part of your family. A good partner is a good place to start, and many people can also find support from their parents and siblings.
You can find support in your community an even online, through parent groups and play groups and every through schools. Even as a single parent, building a family isn't something you can do alone. With everything you have to think of, you won't want to be alone in this, and you don't have to be.

New Priorities

Having a child changes many things. Perhaps most importantly, it will change your priorities. Things that you would have never cared about before become absolutely essential.
Not to mention the fact that you will begin to look at the future and the world around you in a while new way. Instead of asking yourself if something looks like fun, you'll wonder if it's safe for your family.
Parents always worry about their children, but there's joy too: you'll see things in a new light, experiencing things afresh as you look through your child's eyes.