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Awesome Free Internet Resources Parents Should Know About

Thomas Wright
Here are some amazing resources that parents can use to help their children learn. They present new information in a fun and interactive way. Pick out one of these sites and add an element of enjoyment to your child’s education!

The Learning Network

Many children hate the idea of doing schoolwork at home. However, when you make learning a fun experience, they’ll be more open to learning new things. That’s where The Learning Network helps parents—this program from the New York Times gives parents some ideas for fun learning activities.


TED Ed’s YouTube channel has a seemingly endless array of animated educational videos that kids can watch for hours. Unlike other free resources on this list, TED Ed’s videos are uploaded pretty much at random. The great thing about this is that kids can pick any video that sparks their interest. Once done, YouTube then suggests other related videos.

The Free Calculator

No matter how hard an equation may seem, The Free Calculator has free math calculators that can help you out. These math calculators range from simple arithmetic (percentages, averages, factors, etc.) to more complex equations. Aside from free math calculators, The Free Calculator also has chemistry, finance and statistics calculators.


BrainPop produces animated videos and fun educational games. While you need a subscription to access all of their content, they still have lots of free content. The site covers a huge range of topics like science, social studies, language, and engineering. For each topic, BrainPop has several free videos that children can enjoy.

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is possibly one of the most famous free online resources for parents and educators alike. It’s a nonprofit organization that provides educational content for people all over the world. Initially, Khan Academy specialized in maths and science.


Here’s another site where your kids can spend hours learning new things in a fun and creative way. Wonderopolis provides daily “wonders,” which are topics that kids of all ages may find interesting. Once the topic has their curiosity, they can browse through hours’ worth of content—from essays to videos to infographics.