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Solutions to stop Bedwetting in Children

Rujuta Borkar
What if I told you that there are bedwetting solutions to your kid's problems? Although this habit can turn out to be embarrassing and can affect your child's self-esteem if continues after a certain age, but there are several ways with which one can keep a check on it.
This was the scene that ensued every night at my cousins. Her son was 2 and he wet his bed every night. So approximately at 3 a.m. when he would begin wailing, my cousin would mechanically get out of her bed, walk to his room, change his wet clothes, change the bed sheet and soothe him off to sleep.
Then she'd almost get back to her room... only to wake up in 2 hours again and repeat the entire process. He was too old to wear diapers and too young probably to not wet his bed. So this stands true―the day your child stops bedwetting, is the day of unparalleled joy for the parents. Universally accepted truth.
Ask any parent. But until then, there are those nights when a young infant starts wailing in his bed and the parents have to go groggy-eyed into the child's room to set everything right.
That is the current scenario. But what if I told you that there are these really effective bedwetting solutions for children that you can use to get rid of this problem? Interested? Read the following sections for more info.

Natural Solutions for Bedwetting

The sad thing about bedwetting (Enuresis) is that, for some, it does not stop even when they are into their teens. And that is why finding solutions for the same becomes very crucial because it has a direct effect on their confidence and self-esteem, and can thus have a negative effect on their health.

Age as a Factor

It stands completely true that with age, most bed wetters will have stopped for good. This can happen for a number of reasons.
For one, their brain will have developed enough to get the signals when their bladder is full, or the capacity of their bladder will have increased which gets them to stop bedwetting. What you can do at a time like this is to just be there for them. That will actually encourage them to try harder.


Many parents swear by this method and it is seen to be most effective solution for older children.
Bedwetting in older children is quite common and here is how you deal with it. When the child has just fallen asleep, but hasn't gone into a deep sleep yet, sit by him/her and say affirmative statements like 'You will not wet your bed anymore', 'You will know when you need to pee and wake up'.
Things like that. The statements you say to him at that point will drive into his subconscious state and make a direct effect.

Steps to Follow

- Get the child to use the bathroom right before he retires for the night.

- Discourage him/her from drinking too many liquids before bedtime.
- Keep the air conditioner settings at low so that the cold air does not intensify the urge to pee.
- Make sure that the child is not suffering from constipation. That can exert a lot of pressure on the bladder.

- Encourage the child to use the bathroom at night when he is full. Make sure that the path is sufficiently lit with a night light and the area is clutter free so that he can find his way there without any problem.
- Use positive reinforcements like candy or a treat of some sort, every time there is a dry night. This has also shown to help.

- Wake the child up from his sleep several times a night and encourage him to use the bathroom. This, overtime, will prove to be effective.


If none of these natural solutions work, you could try some of the other ones. There have been a lot of devices that have been developed in the recent past. Like a special underwear that begins to set off an alarm as soon as the first drop of urine touches the material.
There are alarms that do the same as well. There are special diapers that can be used as well.


Many times, using herbal remedies like homeopathy or a chiropractic approach have shown to work extremely well. This is especially effective in case of adults.
Other than these, there are other bedwetting medication forms as well that reduce the flow of the urine and are only given in select cases. This is because they are believed to have certain adverse side effects on the child.
These cures to stop bed-wetting work only if you're with your child to help him through the process. Just be there for him/her and encourage him at every step.