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Causes of Teenage Drinking

Kashmira Lad
Peer pressure, lack of parental guidance, and a variety of factors can cause teenagers to indulge in consumption of alcohol. Here we provide information on some of the common causes of teenage drinking.
Adolescence, especially the teenage years, can be a very challenging time for parents as well as children. This is the time when children are highly vulnerable. Adolescence poses challenges for the parents, as their children tend to get influenced by their peers.
Peers play a very important role in the life of a teenager. Acceptance from peers is very important to them. Reports have revealed that peer pressure could be the reason behind issues such as teenage drinking, drunken driving, smoking, and drug abuse. Certain other factors that urge teenagers to go down this path are listed in the paragraphs.

Peer Pressure

▪ The choices of a teenager may be greatly influenced by his/her peers.
▪ Teenagers may drink if their peers often indulge in drinking. Not following the same pattern may result in that teenager being shunned from the group.
▪ Teenagers may resort to drinking if their friends or others who they consider to be a part of the happening crowd are opting for alcoholic drinks.
▪ The desire to fit in and become popular may drive them to do so. Unfortunately, they may not realize when such a practice may turn into a habit.

Escapism or Curiosity

▪ To some teenagers, drinking may seem to be a means to escape from the problems that they may be facing at school or home.
▪ The high that is felt after drinking causes the senses to blur. This in turn leads to a temporary state of 'bliss'.
▪ It could be simply because a young teen wants to try something new. Sometimes, teenagers may just want to drink out of curiosity.

Thrill-seeking Behavior

▪ It may be in their nature to do something that they are not expected to do.
▪ Teenagers who like to question authority or defy their parents are likely to indulge in drinking.
▪ They may just indulge in drinking in order to break the societal rules. Those who have a problem managing their impulses are also likely to do so.

Lack of Parental Guidance

▪ The behavior of parents has a considerable effect on the minds of children.
▪ Parents must therefore assess their own drinking habits. They must not indulge in binge drinking.
▪ Sometimes, teenagers may feel that if their parents can have it, so can they. Parents, should therefore, act in a responsible manner and be good role models.
▪ Since teenagers are developing their own ideas at this time, proper guidance from parents can certainly help them.
▪ Parents must monitor their child's activities and make them understand the importance of good company.
▪ Parents must talk to their children about the negative effects of drinking. Make sure that alcohol is kept out of their reach.

Social Situations

▪ Insecurities can seep in the impressionable minds of teenagers.
▪ When faced with problems at home or in relationships, teenagers may feel that drinking may help them forget their worries.
▪ Low self-esteem that may develop in teens due to rejection by his/her peers or family could also lead to depression, which in turn may cause them to turn to alcohol.
If the issue of underage drinking is not addressed, occasional drinking could even turn into an addiction. This can have serious repercussions. Proper parental guidance can go a long way in averting such situations.
Parents need to keep a check on their children to know about any such activities that their children may be indulging in. Parents need to communicate with their children so as to prevent them from going down this path.