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Organize These Exciting Cooking Games for Kids

Reshma Jirage
Organizing cooking games at home and online can be a perfect way to make the kids aware of food basics. Read on to know about the importance of cooking games for kids.
Kids usually enjoy cooking, if taught in an interesting manner. Although it's more often than not an exciting experience for them, at times you may find it difficult to make your kids interested in cooking. That's where you can take refuge of the world-wide-web.
Online games are a great way to get your kids involved with cooking activities.
These will help kids learn about the basics of food and nutrition. It is definitely interesting for the kids to know about some wonderful food recipes through some very amusing games rather than reading cookbooks and science textbooks.

Cooking Games for Children

Cooking games will keep the kids engaged positively while learning food basics via real experience. The games develop your kid's interest in cooking. A number of sites on the Internet provide several free online games for kids.
These can help the kids to understand how to make a variety of foods such as pizzas, sandwiches, salads, burgers, omelets, tea, coffee, ice creams as well as casserole and barbeque recipes.
These games would serve as an opportunity to understand the preparation of different types of foods as well as the uses of various ingredients. Kids will also gain knowledge about the nutritional value of each type of food.
You can also join kids in playing these games once in a while. It's a perfect way to teach them basics of cooking as well as a good way to spend some quality time with them.

Examples of Food Games

There are different types of food games such as 'Make Cranberry Smoothie', 'Making Christmas Cake', 'Fast Food Serving', 'Make a Chicken Burger', Ice Cream Parlor', 'Cupcake Maker Game', 'Fast Fish Cooking', 'BBQ Hero', 'Grilled Skewer', 'Cake Decoration', 'Magic Baking', 'Donuts Mania', Pizza Making' etc.
These games can be easily played using a keyboard, mouse or a combination of both.
There is an interesting game in which the kids are supposed to make breakfast. In this game, kids are supposed to beat the eggs by dragging the eggbeater using the mouse. Then, they have to continue to prepare an omelet on the frying pan.
Similarly, kids can learn how to make different types of cakes, pizzas, fries, cookies, milk shakes etc. One morning, your toddler may come to you with a mouth-watering dish of breakfast and a glass of delicious milk shake or steaming coffee.
Another game for older children include the basics of running a cafe. In this game, players get some useful lessons about how to cook and serve the dishes to the customers in a restaurant on time. They are also trained about maintaining a predetermined quota for the day. Thus, kids can get essential knowledge about work management through these games.
Food puzzles are also a great option. Kids are asked to match the food items with their ingredients in them. Children can get detailed information about ingredients of each food item, along with its nutritional value.
Besides these online games, you can arrange a cooking session to give a practical experience to your kids. Make two teams of 3-4 kids, and ask them to prepare some easy, fun recipes. Let them decide, the essential ingredients for those recipes. You can give them some useful tips about maintaining hygiene and keeping the kitchen neat and clean.
Another real time cooking game is to run a café. Let the kids decide the menu with prices. Ask them to play the role of chef, cashier, waitress, and customer. Use real or play food items to serve. This will lead to development of memory, math, writing, and good customer service skills.
It is observed that kids who are fussy about eating; develop liking for all kinds of foods after they start playing cooking games and get information about the nutritional value of various fruits, vegetables, and different types of foods.
Thus, these games are an excellent source of entertainment, which also helps to gain knowledge about healthy eating and other valuable skills.