Submit Guest Posts

Submit Guest Posts
Write guest posts about parenting, in a new format that can help you engage a bigger audience and earn higher rankings. Sign up with us.
Users do not read long-form posts. They remember information for a longer time when it is visual rather than textual. Here is an opportunity to guest blog in a format that meets the needs of modern readers - AMP Stories. We accept guest posts in this stories format. Become a contributor.

High loading speeds, crisp content and rich visuals are some of the key features of the AMP stories format. Powered by Google's AMP technology, these Visual Stories are mobile-focused and search engine-friendly. They help you boost user engagement and gain a higher ROI. Use them to your advantage. Sign up with us and start creating AMP Stories.

So what if you are new to writing! Even you can create stories. One simple idea is to write in short about your own experiences with parenting, combine them with suitable images and wrap your content into a quick-to-read story or make an album of your baby's pictures and present them as a visual story. If you are a professional writer, you can start a parenting blog and submit content in the AMP Stories format. And if you are a content marketer, you should make visual storytelling a part of your content strategy.