Toddlers or preschoolers, are a great fun to have around and are absolutely adorable. But if they go haywire, they can create a total ruckus. If at all you are tearing your hair out to keep your toddler engaged, read on to know some fun things to do with toddlers.
They are bundles of joy, agreed, but sometimes you need to keep them occupied as they can really blow off the fuse of your patience! They are cute and extremely lovable. You would seldom find people who do not like babies and toddlers. And taking care of toddlers is a tough task for the parents and no cake walk.
Just like the baby, who is all over the house, in one of the Tom and Jerry episodes, you never know where and when they can go crawling with their cute little feet. So what are the activities for toddlers that can make them all giggly and happy?
Fun Activities to do with Toddlers
There is almost a caboodle of things to do with your toddlers. There is absolutely no dearth of things you can do.
Musically Yours
Play some music and songs sung by kids or meant for kids. The melody, the rhythm is surely going to attract the attention of your kid. Indulge in a jig with your kid. Or pick your kid and along with the music, do a waltz.
A la Chef
If the kid or the kids are a bit older, are just on the verge of going to schools, have the kids help you in a simple recipe. Cookies, popcorn, and the likes are a good choice. They involve least processing and need minimum appliances.
Spray the chocolate powder or flour for the cookies on your kid and give him or her the chance to do that to you as well. Its great fun, although being messy!
Doll Game
Play with your daughter's lovely dolls. You can even give the dolls a bubble bath! And while doing that, you know how most of the kids enjoy being splashed gently with water! So while bathing the dolls, bathe the children as well!
Read out fairy tales and simple books to kids. Remember Baby's Day out? The film starts with the mother reading out a fairy tale to her baby. So read out to your kid. If they are just about to go to school, this will introduce them to words, objects and so on.
A War of Tickles
This is a sure thumbs up. Have a bout of tickles with your kids. It is incredible fun. All you would have is lots of laughter and your toddler will have a great time!
Tape it
Place a strip of duct tape on a carpet or any other flat surface in your home. Ask the children to walk on the thin strip of tape. They are allowed to jump over the line, hop on the line and run down the line or even scoot. It is a fantastic way to amuse your kid or kids.
These were fun indoor activities for kids. So let's give the tiny tots a chance to have a nice tryst with nature. So here is a checklist of outdoor activities with toddlers.
Fun Outdoor Activities to do with Toddlers
Rendezvous With Friends
Have a walk around your private garden to take the kids to a public garden. Plant seeds and indulge in gardening. Children enjoy getting all muddy! You can also introduce the kids to the common plants in your area.
Water Wonders
Take your kid to a beach, if it is in the vicinity. If not that, the most convenient would be to take the kids to a swimming pool. Let them have fun in water. Water is a hit with most of the children or you can go to a lake and go boating.
Picture Perfect
When you go out, click photographs, for no reason at all, with your kid. Have them printed and developed and ask the children to identify the people in the photographs.
Take the kids to a museum nearby. It can be a really out of the world experience for them. Get them acquainted to the local or national history, culture and so on. This is a cool outdoor idea for having a ravishing tie with your kids.
Fun on Wheels
Take out your bike and go biking. Even if you do not, coax the kids to take out theirs and go. It is good for your little one's health and will also tone the muscles. Your kid will develop a habit of biking from the tender ages. So one can go for it.
Catch it Up
If you are short of ideas, simply grab a ball or a Frisbee and play with it. Its as simple as that! No elaborate things, no investment, absolutely nothing.
Just throw the ball to the kids and ask them to throw it back to you. You could also teach them how to throw it properly. With the Frisbee you have to be more careful. The way children throw these things, is a sight to watch.
There are many more fun things to do apart from these. But if you just kept reading those things, you would have to lose a lot of fun time with your kids!
Whatever you do is great as at the end of the day, the lovely smile on your kids face is all that matters. It does not matter how tired you are or how messy the house is! And so it's your baby's day out!