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Popular Middle Names for Your Baby Girl

Mayuri Kulkarni

Here is a list of various middle names for girls, as this has now become a trend in the west.
If you are thinking of giving a middle name to your baby, then it is necessary that you make a good research. A wrong choice can bring a lot of regression. Many parents do not give a serious thought while choosing the name and simply pick up one from the popular ones.
A middle name has to be chosen considering the pronunciation of the first name as well as the surname. The complete baby name may sound to be a tongue twister if both these things are not considered. Here are some suggestions on choosing middle names for girls.

How to Choose?

Many parents opt for middle names in honor of the grandparents of the baby or any distant relative. Using the name of the mother is one more popular method. If the first name of the baby girl is too unique and exotic, then you should use a simple middle name and vice versa. This will balance the effect.
The names should blend well together. The number of syllables should be different in each. Avoid a middle name that rhymes with the first or which has same vowel in the end, like Anna Emma, this may end up in teasing.
A middle name that starts with the last letter of the first name, can bring trouble, as they are difficult to pronounce. For example, Rachel Lynn does not sound good when pronounced together. Also, keep in mind that the initials of the girl will change once she gets married. So, avoid use of names that can lead to funny future initials, like D.O.G or F.A.T!

Popular Names


This is one of the most popular ones, that came in picture somewhere around in 1980. It is trendy and goes well for traditional or simple first names.


This is another trendy one, similar to Ashley. Noel, Noreen, or Nadine, are some others similar to Nichole. This blends well with first names that begin with 'C' and 'L'.


"Elise", meaning "My God is a vow", is a French origin name that basically comes from Elizabeth. This is one of those unusual names that complements first names, like Christina, Candice, and Madison. If you want to avoid the vowel "e" in the end, then Elisa is a nice variation.


This is a pleasant one that goes well with almost all first names. Ava Grace, Abigail Grace, Emma Grace, etc., are some nice combinations.

Unique Names

  • Rose
  • Faith
  • Brooke
  • Rachel
  • Gail
  • Sarah
  • June
  • Mary
  • May
  • Victoria
  • Alice
  • Jade
There are many options available, and choosing one for your little angle can seem to be a daunting task. But with a few simple steps, you can give a lovely name your baby girl.