First time when you will hold your delicate baby and kiss the tiny little pinkie, a drop of joy will surely roll down your eyes. The soft whimpers of your little one will complete your world. The journey is all set! Now, innumerable milestones will be coming to mark your journey on which you are about to embark. Aye Aye Captain!
Child's first smile and cry
The innocence in those stares and the 'no reason smiles' light up your eyes with joy. Your little one's delight in the presence of fairies and angels during sleep dispels any fear of the dark.
But sometimes the broad daylight frightens your baby enough to scream and shriek.
"Congratulations parents, You're aboard!"
Child's first bubble bath
You'll delight in watching your little one paddling eagerly, bursting bubbles, and playfully spraying water on you as toy ducks and gummy bears float in the warm tub.
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Child's first diaper change
Every time you change the diaper, it's like standing in front of a water fountain. Once that diaper comes off, your little one feels free and never wants to put it back on again.
Then, with every effort you make, you get kicks and pee fountains. Finally, when you are over with all the hassles, your child has a diaper on.
"Bravo! You are the official Diaper Guy."
Child's first birthday
Birthday time! House decked out with colorful balloons and streamers in every corner. Princess or Doraemon theme, pure joy all around.
Your tiny one is ready to blow out the candles, but whoops, those burning lights fascinate your baby more, pinkie in danger! Blowing candles! You will do that yourself.
"Sugar Pie, Happy Birthday!"
Child's first doctor's visit
Arriving at the hospital, honking and driving frantically. Your heart aches seeing your little one getting injected, powerless to ease their pain.
Slight fever or puke, you're ready to roll up your sleeves, but at the same time' your heart breaks into millions of pieces. Those uncountable sleepless nights and tiring days, they are nothing when your baby is ill.
"Patience, what's that word!"
Child's first meal
Seated in the high chair, your child delights in baby food, a napkin secured around the neck. But in a blink, the napkin's soaring, food adorns the nose, with a little tongue in pursuit.
Child's first ride
Whether in a stroller or car, your child radiates joy and wonder. It's a parent's milestone, introducing your little one to the world, with the added thrill of their first ride.
With every bump and turn, your child cackles up. It is so much fun to see that happening! Those relaxing rides in the stroller, and it amazes your child when someone peeps at him in admiration.
"Yip Yip, Ready To Hit The Road!"
Child's first babysitter
Parenting means constantly checking your phone, whether at work or in the store. When hiring a babysitter, thorough online research and protecting their information are essential.
Child's first Christmas
Captivated by decorations, ribbons, Christmas tree, and Santa Claus, your child's joy is contagious. Stuffing socks with presents fulfills their Santa Claus wish, bringing immense happiness.
Child's first slide and swing
Your child's first swing ride: heart racing, hands ready, but they flutter away like a carefree butterfly.
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Slides and swings come with a cost—bruises and bumps are part of the deal. But hey, parents, that's life! It's important for kids to learn that smooth sailing isn't always the case.
Child's first tooth fairy day
When your child loses their sixth baby tooth, you're just as thrilled as they are. All day long, you spin tales of tooth fairies, their wide eyes soaking in every word.
The next morning you find your little one running like lightning and hugging you, saying, "Mom it's true, tooth fairy visited me". That's a fabulous moment in every parent's life.
"Yippee! New tooth on the way!"
Child's first school
On the big day, your child heads to school with bags and bottles in hand, riding the bus to a new world. School expands their horizons, introducing new friends and experiences.
The big day comes when your child has bags and bottles in hand, and riding that school bus to reach a new destination called school. With school itself your child's world will grow too, with new friends in that new world.
And when the first prize comes, as a parent, you feel so accomplished and fulfilling.
Those words of admiration with which you pat your child's back - "I am so proud of you", follows an amazing answer, "I love You Dad and Mom!"
These are some milestones, you, as parents, will always celebrate, cherish and treasure. Well, the journey is on for more moments yet to come. So, keep the camera ready, and "Say Cheese".