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Receiving Blankets

Rutuja Jathar
Receiving blankets are really useful for swaddling and comforting your newborn. Keep reading the following post to find out more about them.
One of the most common gifts that expecting mothers get at baby showers is the receiving blanket. These blankets surely confuse them, especially the first time mothers. Just so you know, there is a certain way of using this type of baby bedding, which you must get acquainted with if you are a new parent.
Even if you did not receive any such baby blankets, then you're likely to need them in the hospital, at the time of the childbirth. Receiving blankets are small and soft rectangular or square-shaped pieces of clothes that are used for swaddling babies. Apart from that, these blankets can be used for numerous other purposes.


Knowing exact measurements of a blanket is essential if you are going to sew it yourself. The standard size of a swaddling blanket is different from the size of regular baby blankets. A standard blanket measures about 52" x 36", which is a bit on the large side when it comes to swaddling a baby. When you buy this blanket, it generally measures 30" x 30".
However, this off-the-shelf size seemed short for wrapping the baby comfortably, hence the new ideal size of this blanket is 34" x 36". The requirement for the fabric may vary in accordance with the size of the blanket. For instance, if you are making a 30" x 30" receiving blanket, then you will need 1 yard of fabric.


If you are a first-time parent, then your first encounter with these blankets is likely to be in the hospital itself. Receiving blankets are used for snugly wrapping, or swaddling, the newborn babies.
This keeps the babies warm and helps them to get acquainted with the new surroundings outside the womb. Apart from swaddling, these blankets are also used for layering the babies, which is very crucial in case of premature babies.
Since these blankets are made of a very thin fabric, you can layer the baby without making it cumbersome. These blankets are also used as burp cloths, that protect your clothes from getting messy.
Receiving blankets can also be used for privacy during breastfeeding or to protect the baby in a stroller. Lastly, these blankets can also be given away as baby shower gifts.
You can purchase a set of some creative personalized baby blanket patterns, either handmade or ready-made, and gift them to the mother-to-be. You can either opt for the standard baby colors, blue and pink, or numerous other designs that suit babies.

How to Make

Always understand that newborns and infants have really delicate and sensitive skin, so anything other than soft material can cause rashes and similar other skin conditions in them. When it comes to choosing the best fabrics for making or purchasing a receiving blanket, always choose soft fabrics, like linen, untreated cotton, silk, etc.
Always make sure that the fabric that you have chosen is undyed and unbleached. You can always make a fleece tie blanket for babies, since it is softer for the baby skin.
The material that you need for making a receiving blanket includes 1 yard of flannel (plain), 1 yard of flannel (printed or colored), needled thread, iron with ironing board, sewing machine, and a pair of scissors. First of all, pre-wash and air dry the flannel. Cut both the fabrics in the similar desired size.
You can put any appliquéd item on the colored piece of flannel, like embroidered baby name, a cartoon, or an animal, and put both colored and plain flannels together. If you have made any design on the material, then make sure that it is facing inwards. Then, sew together three out of four sides of the fabrics. Turn the blanket inside out and sew the remaining opening. Your baby receiving blanket is ready!