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Self-Defense Techniques for Kids

Rajib Singha
A child must know how to protect himself from an oncoming attacker, and ready himself for anything that may seem suspicious or dangerous. Let's take a look at how to teach a kid simple self-defense techniques that'll help him dodge any trouble coming his way.
The safety of a child is just as vulnerable as an adult's; in today's world, even more so than ever. We've all heard horrifying stories about kidnappings, murders, and untimely deaths of a mysterious nature, involving kids. The most chilling stories are about how kids find their way back to their parents after being held captive for so many years.
But will they ever be normal again? Do they get over the traumatic incident and remember their family at all? To avoid such scary circumstances, it is important to prepare a child for the big, bad world that is laid out in front of them. Let's take a look at simple self-defense techniques that will always keep him on guard and protected.

Self-Defense Techniques for Children

The easiest way to protect a child is to arm him with crucial tips on how to safeguard himself in situations that ring the alarm bells. These are the things that should be considered as part of a self-defense tactic.

Karate Classes

Send a child to a self-defense class that practices specialized moves that will keep him safe. Choose an instructor that is revered for his skills, where it is okay to tell them in confidence that your purpose for sending your child to his class, is to help him protect himself from strangers and anyone who poses as a threat.
There are even classes that teach students how to tackle an assailant using quick-thinking moves that render the attacker, helpless. Do your research about classes in your area or city that provide these services.


Technology if nothing else, saves us from foreseen dangers, and for that, we must be grateful. You'll be surprised to know how something like a cellphone, can save a life. If you're child is too young to own one, it's completely understandable, but we urge you to reconsider.
If he's aged 10 and above, he's old enough to know how to work a simple cellphone. Save your number, including your spouse's, and any other friend or relative that you can count on to come to the rescue, should anything go wrong.
Younger kids should be taught how to avoid strangers, especially while playing in the school playground. If you're running late, call the school and tell them you'll be a few minutes behind & to watch your kid until you get there. Don't let them leave your child waiting on the stairs that lead up to the school, where a stranger is likely to spot them.

Helpful Advice

Parents should advise their kids to practice the following tips, that will keep them safe when in public or if confronted by strangers.
  • A child should always be in a group, whether it's the school playground or park. He shouldn't wander far away from his classmates and must ask an adult to accompany him if he needs to go somewhere alone, like the restroom.
  • If he notices a bunch of strange-looking people hanging around who constantly look in his direction or another child's, he must tell an adult about this, immediately.
  • If he's confronted by a stranger who asks him to come along to a different location, he must flee the scene in the direction of the group of kids, or adult in charge.
  • If for some reason he trails off and a stranger approaches him, his self-defense moves will come in handy, if the stranger tries to pick him up or lead him away by force. 
The important thing to remember is that a child must always be surrounded by known faces, and know the importance of never speaking or approaching a stranger, especially if they hand out candy or if they're overly friendly.
  • Speak to the school authorities about their safety measures when it comes to kids; do they have cameras installed? Are there security guards on the lookout during lunch breaks? Are metal detectors set up at the school? Once you know they're fully equipped, you'll be less likely to worry.
  • If a child is a victim of abuse by a teacher or student, he mustn't be afraid to tell you. You'll need to explain this in your own way, since a child may not be familiar with physical or emotional abuse. Be sure he knows he can trust you to take matters into your own hands. 
Watch out for telltale signs; a child will not like being touched affectionately, prefers playing alone, or looks upset after school and doesn't wish to discuss what happened.