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Therapeutic Activities for Children

Naomi Sarah
Therapeutic activities for children, will help them combat against problems if they are fidgety or constantly in need to do something with their time. Let's take a look at ways on how to keep these kids busy...
Therapeutic activities for children are for those who have ADHD and ADD problems, where they are always looking for a way to while away time, or withdraw themselves from others during play. It is good for teachers and parents alike to try out these fun activities whenever kids indulge in play time.
Avoid things that are not constructive like video games that border on violence, but educational instead. Incorporate fun activities into their schedule to help them build on their social skills with children, and also learn something new and become good at it, once it is introduced to them.

Therapeutic Activities for Kids

Let's find out about some group activities for children, who are looking for a way to focus their minds on something both fun and productive. Combine these two elements to have them interested from start to finish.

Building Blocks and Jigsaw Puzzles

Give them these classic time-consuming activities which are extremely helpful when trying to help them concentrate on one activity. It improves their ability to solve problems and strengthens their power of concentration.
Show them how it is done the first time around and give them visual guidance thereafter. Prop up a picture of what they need to construct, or the picture of the final jigsaw ensemble to help refer to something while piecing these together.

Swimming Classes

Teach kids how to swim with simple techniques in the pool that will have them wanting to learn how to swim without giving up midway, if it is too hard. Start slowly, and work your way up to other activities like games and swimming competitions after they master their swimming moves.
It will keep them concentrating on how to learn the different ways of floating and swimming, since anything done in a pool is fun.


Who wouldn't love to go camping in the woods, and spend a night out under the stars? Make it fun for the kids like including a star-gazing session using a telescope, or roasting marshmallows around a warm fire and exchanging stories, or singing to some old favorite camping songs.
During the day you can take the kids around to be witnesses to all of nature's fascinating elements. Make them carry little notepads or disposable cameras to record their adventures and findings.

Cookie Sale

Set up a kitchen space with cooking gear made for baking cookies/muffins and get all the kids involved in doing something both informative and interesting. It can be a good learning session on how to bake goodies while you oversee the many activities from dough kneading and decorating.
After you're done you can go door to door selling these home-baked fresh eats, and later treat the kids to some ice cream from all that hard-earned money.

Finger Painting Artwork

Who wouldn't love to dip their fingers into a jar of paint and then go crazy with artistic, out of the box swirls and drawings while kids use their hands for brushes? Kids love mess, and having them explore their creative sides would be a great way to help them open up to the idea of exposing their artistic selves.
Encourage them and pass positive statements upon seeing their works of art, and get them to try out other fun ways of using paint like splash painting on a large spread of canvas, face painting and even paint-balling!

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These therapeutic activities can help kids pass time doing things that can aid them to cope with problems of limited attention spans. Find out other ways on how you can help kids deal with such problems, and don't be afraid to try new methods that go beyond the workings of conventionality.