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Warm-up Exercises for Kids

Madhura Pandit
Similar to adults, kids also need a warm-up before workout or play. In this story, you will find warm-up exercises for children to prepare them for exercise or games.
Workout and warm-up often go hand in hand; or rather should go hand in hand. But most people tend to ignore warm-up. It should be noted that ignoring warm-up can have serious consequences as it is essential for preparing the body for strenuous exercise. Avoiding warm-up can increase the person's risk of strains, pulls, injury, etc.
Therefore, it is essential to undertake proper warm-up before any strenuous exercise or game play. Just like adults, kids should also be made to undergo warm-up. Here are some of the most effective and fun warming up exercises for kids.

Fun Warm-up Activities for Kids

Although adults may understand the importance of warm-up, making kids understand it can be difficult. Therefore, the key lies in making kids undergo specific activities or games before exercises which will help in warming up. However, you can refer to them as games so that kids participate in it enthusiastically and will not get bored. The following are some of the most basic pre-exercise activities for kids.


No exercise can beat stretching when it comes to warm-up! Stretching loosens and lengthens muscles and hence, this is the best exercise for kids and adults. Stretching exercises for kids include making the kid to raise hands up in the air and then bending to touch the feet, keeping hands on the waist and moving side ways, etc.


Running is also one of the best warm-up exercises for children. You can ask kids to run one round around the entire ground or specific area before working out. On the other hand, you can ask kids to jog in place, slowly at first and then increase the speed slowly. Make sure that the kids do not get exhausted while jogging.

Jumping Jacks

Although jumping jacks are considered as one of the most effective exercises for losing weight, they are also good and fun warm-up activities for kids. You can ask kids to perform this exercise for 5-7 times. The number of repetition and duration depends on the age of kids.

Catch and Throw

As mentioned above, if you use a game or a fun filled activity as a warm-up, kids will have more fun and also enjoy it. Catching and throwing is one such activity which not only helps in warming up but can also be used for catching practice. Catch and throw is one of the most effective baseball warm-up exercises. Make two groups and ask the kids to catch and throw for exercise.

Some More Warm-up Exercises

The above mentioned ones are the traditionally used warm-up methods. However, if you are looking for some more interesting exercises, then take a look at the following activities and carry them out.
  • Running through hula hoops
  • Hanging from the bar
  • Jumping rope
  • Shooting goals with basketball
  • Kicking balls at cones
  • Climb up and down a small staircase once
  • Short relay race
  • Catching and throwing Frisbee
  • Batting practice
  • Dynamic stretches
  • Push ups
  • Tag game
You can use either of activities, or even come up with your own games and ideas. As it is, a simple race to make kids rush to the changing rooms and come back in time, can also be considered as a warm-up! But, make sure you undertake activities with caution. Good luck!